Welcome 3rd Grade Bulldog Families!
I am so excited to be your teacher this year! I am a Hillcretian at heart; this is my 25th year teaching here! I am also a mom of a 17 year old man-cub and several four legged furry friends as well.
I am also a lifelong learner and it is my goal to inspire each child recognizing that we all have inner strengths, gifts, and abilities. Our classroom is a safe place where it is ok to make mistakes, learn and grow together, and I will encourage each student to reach his or her personal best. This includes getting to know each of your families and building a relationship with you that will help foster your child's learning. I am looking forward to partnering with you in this!
Communication is key in our classroom. I invite you to play an active role in your child's education by talking with him or her each day about his or her learning, reading together at night, and communicating with me. Please feel free to contact me at any time; I will get back to you as soon as possible (but definitely within 24 hours). My main form of communication is through Class Dojo where I post messages, pictures, track your child's behavior, and can receive messages from you. In addition, you may contact me by phone or email.
Every morning we begin our school day with a live check-in on Google Meet for about an hour. Your child will join meet by using his or her ssd4kids username and the code/nickname Krysinski11. Because this is our distance learning classroom, it is very important to follow these digital citizenship protocols:
- Treat this time as if you are in our classroom; be dressed in school appropriate attire, seated in a family work area.
- Do not record or post video sessions. (This is not allowed due to permission liabilities.)
- Photos and videos should only be of assigned instructional activities as per your teacher's directions.
- Plug in and charge your iPad nightly
I can't wait to get to know your child individually! I would love to know more about your child and his or her academic and social goals for the year. Please fill out the parent questionnaire by going to the url https://forms.gle/fk2XJgWCfajaw9fZ7.
Please refer to the links on the left column for all of the important information pertaining to our class and be sure to sign up on our Class Dojo if you have not done so already.
Thank you for sharing your child with me this year!
Many blessings,
Chris Krysinski