Trouble Shooting

Thinking Here are some quick references to help with some common distance learning issues:

Dreambox, iReady, and Seesaw

(It's asking for a code)

Even though there are apps on the iPad, you have to access Seesaw, iReady, and Dreambox through Clever (just like we do at school! :)

  • Go to the Clever app on the iPad
  • Enter username and password for Clever (lunch # followed by password that starts with the beginning of your last name followed by #'s; case sensitive)
  • Locate iReady / Dreambox / Seesaw within Clever
  • You will not need to put in another set of passwords.

Accessing Clever from a device other than a district iPad

  • From the District webpage or the HC webpage clicking on Student Resources
  • Clever is listed in the drop down menu.