August 2023
Dear students and parents,
It is at this time I would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. This is an exciting time for all of us.
Now to the nuts and bolts of room 18. We will continue to focus on 4-character traits, (Our Bulldog PAWS- Practice Safety, Accept Responsibility, Wise Choices & Show Kindness). We will be discussing and demonstrating what it is to use our PAWS both inside and outside the classroom. These traits will be echoed and seen each and every day on our entire campus!
Classwork/ Homework
Any work assigned that is not completed in class will be expected to be completed for homework. The other homework that is required is 20 minutes of reading nightly and practice math fast facts until mastery. Spelling is assigned daily, but all assignments are due on Friday by recess. I will also send out reminders on Class Dojo.
Grades will be determined with a 4 pt. scale (4- 85% and above, 3-84% to 70%, 2- 69% to 55% and a 1- below 55%). If your child is missing work or tests because of an absence, then he or she must take the responsibility to get these items turned in to the late/absent basket located in my classroom for full credit. I will also accept late work or tests, not due to an absence, for partial credit. Accuracy, neatness, and best effort are essential for your child to meet the expectations of this class.
I will be using Class Dojo. This will allow you to monitor your child's daily behavior. Explaining when redirection was needed and to show you your child's positive reinforcement of " the Bulldog Way". Class Dojo will also allow me to communicate with you about upcoming events and reminders.
Recommended items
- a folder to bring work and fliers home (PTSA folder is perfect)
- sharpened pencils and an expo marker
Once again, welcome to the new and exciting year. I look forward to working with each and of you this year. I welcome any questions, concerns and/or suggestions you may have.
[email protected] or you may Class Dojo me
Thanks for your time and support.
Chris Kelly