Our Hill Creek School Site Council meets regulary to discuss budgetary priorities, school programs and Hill Creek events or improvements. Specifically, the SSC is charged with monitoring the program implementation as found in the Site Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) in conjunction with the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Agendas are posted prior to each meeting or will be available online for reference.
Agenda 10/25/17 Minutes 10.30.17
Agenda 11.27.17 Minutes 11.27.17
Agenda 12.18.17 Minutes 12.18.17
Agenda 1.28.18 Minutes 1.28.18
Agenda 2.26.18 Minutes 2.26.18
Agenda 4.30.18
Agenda 5.21.18
Annual SPSA as reviewed and approved by the 2017-2018 Hill Creek SSC:
2017-2018 Hill Creek SPSA
Annual Parent Involvement Policy as reviewed and approved by they 2017-2018 Hill Creek SSC:
2017-2018 Hill Creek Parent Involvement Policy