Welcome to Hill Creek's Middle School Information Page. If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office for more details.

Getting Students Ready for Middle School: Our fifth graders enjoyed a tour and question/answer sessions to get them ready for middle school. Check out our 5th Grade Introduction Video link here: https://www.wevideo.com/view/1123545482
Check Out Our Featured Video from the East County Teachers' Credit Union Spotlight: https://youtu.be/GlzBlf1G2V4
Frequently Asked Questions about Hill Creek Middle School
Who teaches middle school?
Meet our teaching staff for grades six through eight for the 2023-2024 school year.
Ms. Goldman – 6th grade ELA, History, PE
Ms. Cordova: 6th grade Math, 6th grade Science, P.E., Enrichment Crafts
Ms. McCarthy: 7th grade Language Arts, 7th grade History, 7th grade Science, Enrichment Culinary Arts
Mrs. Uribe: 7th Grade Math, 7th Grade Science, Spanish
Mr. Applegate: 7th History and PE
Mrs. Pearson: 8th grade Language Arts, 8th grade History, 8th grade PE
Mrs. Little: Enrichment Woodshop
Mrs. Shirley: Resource Specialist

What are classes like?
Hill Creek has a six period rotation that covers four core classes (Language Arts, History, Math, History), one enrichment class and one P.E. class. Each period is 53 minutes long, five days a week. Middle School classrooms are located in the two story building so the transition period between classes takes only moments moving from one classroom to another.
A sample schedule:
Period |
Start Time |
1 |
7:45 |
Math |
2 |
8:38 |
History |
9:31 |
Nutrition Break |
3 |
9:41 |
PE |
4 |
10:34 |
Science |
5 |
11:27 |
Language Arts |
12:20 |
Lunch |
6 |
1:00 |
Enrichment |
Does middle school have recess?
Students in grades six through eight do not engage in a morning recess play time. However, there is a brief, ten minute nutrition break each morning at 9:31a.m. This allows students to have a morning snack or purchase from the Second Chance Breakfast Cart each day between second and third period.
How are middle schoolers graded?
Students are graded with a letter scale: A, B, C, D, F in all core classes in three areas:
- Academic (test, classwork, homework, projects)
- Effort (participation, productivity in class)
- Citizenship (display of respect towards students and adults)
Enrichment class receives an effort score only.
How will a student know how they are doing in their classes?
Middle School students have the ability to check their academic grades online throughout the course of a trimester. Each student has a PowerSchool account and each parent may also sign up for the portal to create their own password. Ongoing review of grades is encouraged as it allows students to make adjustments to their study habits or turn in missing assignments by deadlines established by their teacher(s). If any parent needs help accessing the portal, we encourage them to contact the office for sign-in information.
What is the middle school discipline policy?
Students in grades six through eight are held to the same disciplinary rules across the district. Actions such as drug use, possession of weapons, threats and harassment fall under the zero tolerance policy. A complete list of Education Code infractions can be found in the Santee School District parent handbook at http://www.santeesd.net/Domain/58. To help monitor behavior from class to class, students carry a Step Card. This is a card provided to each student at the start of the year that documents minor infractions. Minor infractions include but are not limited to: chewing gum, throwing an object in class, talking, getting out of seat without permission, not being prepared for class, cell phone use, etc. If a larger behavior occurs (i.e. fighting, stealing, etc.), students will be sent to the office to meet with site administration for corrective steps or a consequence. Step cards are to be carried by students each day- it is their responsibility. If a card is lost or forgotten, another card will be provided for replacement, however, a step will be assigned for not having the needed materials. Step counts are monitored closely and activities are provided every month to honor students with good behavior. If a student receives three steps, they will make a phone call home. If a student continues their behavior choices and has more than three steps, they have heightened cosequences. Four steps or more results in loss of the Good Citizen Fieldtrip. Additional steps result in administrative action. At the end of each trimester, step counts start over for students to have an additional opportunity to work towards the next fun event.
Is there an Associated Student Body?

Our site ASB is made up of a student cabinet and associated members. Each fall, students are able to campaign for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Speeches and posters all allowed to be presented as part of the campaign process. Once established, the ASB creates spirit activities designed for fun and lively competition as well as school unity. March Madness basketball tournament, dances, Superbowl or tag day are some example of activities that the ASB may plan.
How is P.E. part of a middle schooler's day?

All students are scheduled to take a daily PE class for one period of the day. All students must change into PE clothes daily to receive credit. Hill Creek Bulldog PE clothes (PE shirt and athletic shorts) may be purchased at Al's Sports Shop. Or, students may opt to bring their own clothes from home. A plain colored shirt and dark athletic shorts may be brought and changed into. Each student is provided a locker space to store their PE clothes as well as valuables (i.e. cell phone or iPad) during their PE class. It is also recommended that students bring deodorant and a pair of tennis shoes to leave in their locker. Dressing out provides points for the PE grade. In addition, students receive points for participation. Children do not need to be all-star athletes to get full credit- they just need to try their best.
What is the policy on cell phones?
In accordance to the district cell phone policy, students are allowed to carry a cell phone. However, students do not have allowances to use cell phones during the day. The policy states the phone must be off and put away. If a student is found using the phone (without direct permission from a teacher), their phone will be confiscated until the end of the school day. Upon a second violation, a parent is contacted and needs to pick up the phone. A third violation will lead to an in-school suspension. Cell phone use includes talking on the phone, sending texts, posting to media sights, taking a picture or video, listening to music, conducting searches, or any other phone function.
What are enrichment classes?

Each year we design classes to expose students to a variety of interests or possible future careers. Currently, students participate in a three point rotation where they take a different class each trimester. They are designed to provide an introduction to the topic and hands-on experiences to expose students to application. Students receive an effort grade for their enrichment class report card.
How can my student make Honor Roll?
Students who excel in their academic pursuits are recognized for their hard work. At the end of each trimester, students who receive the G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher are named as Honor Roll. Students who receive a 4.0 G.P.A. are deemed part of Principal's Honor Roll. We applaud them for their hard work.
We hope this provides the answer to several questions. Feel free to contact the school office for more specific details.